Being a website of meanderings amongst the diverse interests of Lloyd, archaeologist, photographer, explorer, toast farmer, armourer, evolutionary psychologist, oxymath, erumite, gentleman.
What's new?
Here the newest addition will be listed.
- January 2025 - finally uploaded my account of my trip to the Herräng Dance Camp 2024. As last year, this is in the old version of my site.
- 2023/4 - added my account of my trip to the Herräng Dance Camp 2023. For the moment, this is in the old version of my site, because coding for the new one proved a bit tricky.
- 2023 - added a new poem I'm Amazing in the poetry section.
- May 2017 - added a game-aid for the game Hillfolk in the role-play gaming section.
- September 2016 - Added an account of my time at the Herräng Dance Camp 2016.
- July 2016 - added a poem about the flaw in rom-coms.
- November 2015 - As well as a few minor tweaks here and there, I added a page in the wargaming section embedding my Crossfire videos.
- September 2015 - Added an account of my time at the Herräng Dance Camp 2015.
- July 2015 - Added five new poems to the poetry section.
- August 2013 - Added an account of my time at the Herräng Dance Camp 2013.
- March 2013 - Added a silly photo and a smug and superior text description of it of which I ought to be more ashamed than I am.
- January 2013 - Added three new pictures to the Beard Project page. Also added many twiddley new Victorian designs like the one at the top of this page, to many pages around the site, to make it even prettier.
- August 2012 - Added an account of my time at the Herräng Dance Camp 2012. Also added a page linking to my Herräng videos.
- January 2012 - Revamped the entire Stoke Mandeville, Astronaut and Gentleman section, in promotion and anticipation of the forthcoming video production.
- August 2011 - The Herräng 2011 account is now uploaded.
- August 2011 - added an addendum page dealing with the extraordinary reaction that one of my dance essays got ten years after it was written. You can hear me on a talk show talking about it.
- April 2011 - put a review of the game Serenissima with the other reviews in the games section.
- April 2011 - added a link to the poem "Never Meet Your Heroines" on the dance videos page and on its page in the poetry section.
- April 2011 - updated the videos page in the ancient weapons section.
- October 2010 - put a spoken version of My Best Friend in the poetry section.
- August 2010 - two new reviews in the film review section: The Dark Knight and the appalling Etre et Avoir.
- August 2010 - added a massive page describing my Lindy trip to Denmark, Sweden, and Bristol, in the Herräng part of the dance section.
- August 2010 - added an audio version of A New Stage Reached in the poetry section (click the button).
- August 2010 - added a video of the Newcastle Swing Dance Society 2010 IFAM performance on the videos page in the dance section (it's near the bottom, below the penguin vid).
- August 2010 - added a review of the game Murder City in the games section.
- August 2010 - added an audio version of The Glimmer in the poetry section (click the button).
- August 2010 - added three new poems in the poetry section: A New Stage Reached, The Glimmer, and Never Meet Your Heroines.
- April 2010 - added a page discussing the ideas behind the scenario designs for World Crossfire Day in the Crossfire wargaming section.
- March 2010 - added a page of links to my ancient and medieval weaponry videos.
- January 2010 - added the Counterattack scenario in the Crossfire section.
- December 2009 - added the Three Bunkers scenario to the Crossfire section.
- November 2009 - put some close-up photographs of contractions in mail armour on the page sdescribing linking patterns.
- November 2009 - added a few pages of photographs of Copenhagen in the photography section. These are culled from my report of my trip there which appears in the dance section, rather confusingly in the Herräng Dance Camp section.
- October 2009 - put a JPG file of some figures that you can print out onto card and use for Gloranthan RuneQuest figures in the now rather tiny role-playing section.
- October 2009 - added all the reviews I could find of the Adelaide production of The Adventures of Stoke Mandeville, Astronaut and Gentleman.
- October 2009 - added twenty-five facts about me, to the About Lloyd section, none of which you need to know.
- October 2009 - added an entirely new section featuring my amateurish attempts at drawing.
- August 2009 - added a ridiculously vast page about my trip to Copenhagen this year, which includes an outrageous number of photographs (over 350).
- August 2009 - added the new Loctite All-Plastics Super Glue to the page on modelling tools.
- April 2009 - updated the page on World Crossfire Day so that you can read about how it all went (rather well overall).
- March 2009 - added a page about my early Super-8 films, with embedded YouTube links to them.
- March 2009 - added reviews of the games Attila and Ironclad to the games section.
- March 2009 - amended many of the menus on this site, because now new standards require <LI> tags to be closed with </LI> tags, and one visitor to the site reported that many of my menus were not working with the Opera browser.
- February 2009 - added a page giving all the details of an exciting new project: World Crossfire Day
- January 2009 - a page about the new production of Stoke Mandeville, Astronaut and Gentleman in Adelaide, Australia.
- October 2008 - added a scenario Brain Harvest to the skirmish scenarios in the wargaming section.
- September 2008 - wrote up a page about the tank duel game I put on at the Newcastle wargames show, complete with the rules I used.
- August 2008 - The latest (and possibly last) account of my trips to the Herräng Dance Camp, in the dance section.
- March 2008 - uploaded my essay on science-fiction wargaming to the wagames section.
- March 2008 - put a page in my dance section of my dance-related videos.
- February 2008 - added a few paragraphs about what speeds of music I consider suitable for blues, Lindy, and Balboa swing dances on the recommended swing music page.
- February 2008 - Yet more embedded YouTube videos, this time in the opinions section. Find out my opinions on psychics and Earth Hour.
- February 2008 - More embedded YouTube videos in the weapons section: two on shields and some that are really about drawing swords in my ancient weaponry section.
- February 2008 - I added embedded YouTube videos all over the place: one in the kung fu section, one on the animation page, two on the film experience page, two on the sabre page, one on the katana page, one in the swing dance section, and all eight parts of the epic Built for the Stone Age.
- February 2008 - mainly because I had a video about it, I added a page on the scimitar to the ancient weaponry section.
- February 2008 - finally I have managed to upload some videos to YouTube! After just eighteen months of trying, I have added embedded versions of the clips from Built for the Stone Age in my evolution section.
- November 2007 - added another skirmish game scenario in the wargaming section: Divided Loyalties.
- November 2007 - put a review/comment on the film The Rising: Ballad of Mangal Pandey in the film review section.
- November 2007 - added a page in the Stoke Mandeville (scripts) section about the forth-coming production of "The Adventures of Stoke Mandeville" in Surrey..
- October 2007 - illustrated another example of model climbing plants in the scenery pages of the model-making section.
- October 2007 - put two more examples of model palm trees in the scenery pages of the model-making section.
- October 2007 - added a new section, on architecture, including such delights as the Scottish parliament challenge, and guess the mystery Stockholm building.
- October 2007 - added link to a YouTube video of my stage appearance as a platform for the Flying Penguini Brothers to perform on, to the Herräng 2000 account.
- October 2007 - added my swing dance CV to the dance section (I think that's a "resumé" if you're an American).
- September 2007 – after a rather successful playtest of a game with my new Egyptian temple buildings, I added the scenario to my skirmish scenario list, and a page on how to make the models in the modelling section. I also put up a page on modelling climbing plants, which I expect to expand soon.
- September 2007 - added a page on the crossbow in the weapons section, which was largely an excuse to use a video I took of someone loading a crossbow with a goatsfoot lever.
- September 2007 - put two more silly photo's in the photography section, one of a misplaced apostrophe, and one of medieval electric streetlights.
- August 2007 - inspired partly by observations in Herräng, I wrote up ten reasons we should all dance with beginners, in the dance essays section.
- August 2007 - after returning from the Herräng dance camp again, I added an astoundingly-long page about my time there.
- July 12th 2007 - put a little gadget on the front page that maps where visitors to this site visit from. It will take a while for the results of this to show, but in time, there should emerge a pattern of red dots.
- July 2007 - added a silly little page about the misspelling of the word Millennium, in response to an e-mail I received about a house in Knaresborough with the word misspelled in stone.
- June 2007 - added a scenario for a fighting withdrawal in the scenario part of the Crossfire wargaming section.
- June 2007 - uploaded a page of photographs of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, in the photography section.
- June 2007 - added one scenario to the chess clock scenarios page in the Crossfire WW2 wargaming pages.
- March 2007 - added another seven silly photo's in the photography section.
- March 2007 - wrote a page about pretentious language in dance magazines, for my dance section.
- March 2007 - added another way for modellers to waste money in the model-making section.
- March 2007 - put five more silly photos in the photography section.
- March 2007 - added a stand-alone page, which I find funny but I am yet to learn if anyone else does: the Trevor Tennson Tribute Page.
- March 2007 - there's a new page on converting plastic figures in the modelling section.
- January 2007 - added a tale of my appearing on telly in a daft suit, asking for thirty thousand quid. How did I get on? Find out in this tale of televisual philanthropy which I really ought to do a shorter version of. It's in the film and telly section.
- December 2006 - added a silly page in the dance section, involving a rather weird picture of me, or is it?
- December 2006 - there's a new poem, Misgivings of a dance god in the poetry section, that may be of interest to dance folk as well as haters of good poetry.
- October 2006 - added a picture of a tattoo inspired by a photograph on this site, in the photography section.
- October 2006 - added a page with pretty pictures of skies, in the photography section.
- August 2006 - added an update to the page on my forlorn-hope project, Built for the Stone Age.
- August 2006 - added an essay in praise of the imperial system of weights and measures to my opinions section.
- August 2006 - added an account of my time at the Herräng Dance Camp 2006. This has been updated and expanded a few times since.
- July 2006 - added seven pages in the opinions section dealing with THE BANNING OF THIS SITE, which led to my buying the domain Read all about the campaigning vegetarian lonely hearts, the explosion on the blogosphere, and the media coverage this attracted.
- June 2006 - massively expanded the page on Celia Johnson, having read a biography of her. I think that this is now the main page about her on the web, by some margin.
- June 2006 - got my own domain name, and put the site back up. Now I have much more memory space, so the possibilities for expansion are greater. I may start by putting up higher quality photographs, although I appreciate that these take longer for people to download.
- April 2006 - got banned! The site was removed from the web.
- March 2006 - added a not entirely serious piece on the film The Two Towers in the film review section.
- March 2006 - added a page on the attempt by some vegetarians to get my site banned.
- March 2006 - added a picture of a mystery item on the page of silly photographs.
- March 2006 - updated the essay on the sabre, adding two pictures.
- March 2006 - added details of Gelflex moulds to the pages on Linka and plaster casting.
- March 2006 - added the Beard Project page.
- March 2006 - added an image of me as a FASHION ICON. Surprised? You will be if you know what a scruff I am.
- November 2005 - added a rules summary sheet to the Tigris and Euphrates review.
- November 2005 - added two scenarios to the Crossfire section that use chess clocks.
- September 2005 - added a photograph of peeling paint on my bathroom wall, which I think makes and interesting picture, to the silly picture page in my photography section.
- September 2005 - added to the film and video production section an account of my trying to get a series on human evolution commissioned on television: Built for the Stone Age.
- September 2005 - added tactical advice for both women and men on asking and being asked to dance in the dance section.
- September 2005 - added three photographs and about 600 words to my account of the Herräng Dance Camp 2005.
- August 2005 - added an account of my time appearing on a very tacky fanzine show supporting the Strictly Come Dancing show on BBC3, in the film anecdotes section.
- August 2005 - added an essay in the dance section about why people think that some races and nationalities have natural rhythm.
- August 2005 - added an essay in the evolution section about why people follow fashion.
- August 2005 - added an account of my time at the Herräng Dance Camp 2005.
- August 2005 - added five pages to the model making section, dealing with painting faces, painting swords and axes, basing figures, dark age shield patterns, and making banners. I also added how I stored my 25mm figures to the storage page.
- July 2005 - added reviews of Dangerous Liaisons, The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Churchill, the Hollywood Years, and Falling Down to the film review section. Also a minor update to the Judge Dredd review.
- July 2005 - added full descriptions and printable files for a short skirmish campaign, a one-off six-player skirmish game, and a system for making wargames a bit more interesting (my "Three Fight System" with eight pretty maps!) to the skirmish wargames section, as well as updating the printable files for the fast-play skirmish system.
- July 2005 - added a page discussing the problem of simulating mass shooting in skirmish games.
- May 2005 - added some shots of brass plaques in Newcastle in the silly photo's section.
- April 2005 - added a full set of skirmish rules to my skirmish section, as well as rules for leaders and duelling, in the wargaming section.
- March 2005 - added four photographs to the other photography section, including a nice firey one.
- March 2005 - added full details of my revolutionary skirmish initiative system in the wargaming section.
- March 2005 - added an essay on dreams to the evolution section.
- March 2005 - added a silly photo to the About Lloyd page.
- March 2005 - added more rambling bigotry on the topics of heroes and a woman's place, in the opinions section.
- March 2005 - added short essays in the opinions section on Hollywood versus Britain and safety and outrage.
- March 2005 - updated the page on hunting in the opinions section, in the light of the recent ban on fox hunting.
- March 2005 - added a review of the game Traverse in the games section, and a page on the traditional board game hnefatafl.
- March 2005 - added a review of Roborally in the games section, as well as adding a photo' of some zombies to the review of the Zombies!!! game.
- March 2005 - added quite a bit to the model making section, including a page on making ruins, added the pin vice to the tools section, reorganised the menus, added an article on how to waste money, added a page on Linka buildings, expanded the page on making plaster castings, as well as improving some of the photos.
- March 2005 - added some more silly shots in the photography section.
- March 2005 - added a piece of moderately exciting news regarding one of my photographs.
- March 2005 - added six reviews of games in the game review section.
- August 2004 - added account of Herräng 2004 in the dance section.
- February 2004 - updated page on painting German WWII uniforms, and added some new pictures to the swing dance section.
- November 2003 - added three pages on swing music to the dance section.
- September 12th 2003 - added notes on apostrophes, reflexive pronouns, and the word majority to the page of examples of bad English.
- August 2003 - included the whole of the now-defunct web-site for the play The Adventures of Stoke Mandeville, Astronaut and Gentleman in the scripts section.
- August 2003 - added account of Herräng 2003 in the dance section.
- July 10th 2003 - reformatted film review section and added review of Four Weddings and a Funeral.
- July 9th 2003 - Added five game reviews in the games section
- June 2003 - Added skirmish pages to wargaming section
But wait! There's more! In the hope of making this site even more excitingly interactive, I have installed a guest-book. This allows you, the visitor to this rather eclectic site, to leave messages of hope, congratulation, high praise, and wonderment about this site. You could also use it to leave suggestions for improvements, requests for additions or massive deletions, and perhaps it could be used as a medium for venting your spleen in a savage outburst of cathartic vitriol.
View My Guestbook Sign My GuestbookMy links section:
- To the previous, vintage version of this very web-site.
- To the web-site of Fraser Charlton, pathologist, Gilbert and Sullivan devotee, and quasi-god.